Legal Remedies Available To Home Buyers

Property Lawyer In today’s world where the judiciary is becoming more strict crimes are also increasing at the same pace. Every home buyer has a fear of being cheated by the builder as many fraud cases are coming up related to such cheating The buy is not sure that even after paying the agreed amount he/ she is going the get the property and also if it is going to be allotted on time and if the payment made is worth buying the property. Though the laws in Real State are there to help the aggrieved buyer legal action can also be taken against the buyer. Few remedies that are available to the buyer for the breach of the builder buyer agreement are listed below- CIVIL REMEDY – If there is a case of breach of the agreement that is if the builder does not fulfil the obligation stated in the agreement the buyer can move to the civil court and file the suit for the damages and also an interest of the damages according to the Code of Civil Procedure,1908. Also, if the builder does not fu...